Lee County commits $1.7 million for broadband partnership

DIXON – The Lee County Board is earmarking $1.7 million toward a massive, multi-county project to expand broadband in rural areas.

Ogle County has spearheaded a Broadband for All initiative that’s a public/private partnership to improve broadband access in counties including Ogle and Lee.

The partnership is with Syndeo Networks, and the group is applying for a $28 million “Middle Mile” broadband infrastructure grant through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

Lee County’s contribution would be about $1.7 million for more than $11 million in improvements, and Ogle’s is about $2 million for $13 million in work.

Lee County Board Chairman Bob Olson said the amount will come from county capital funds, and board member Jim Schielein said it’s an investment for the county’s economic future.

The county was originally going to use American Rescue Plan Act dollars, but the project is expected to span several years, which would go beyond the ARPA funding deadline.

According to a resolution the board approved Thursday, “high-quality internet access is essential for Lee County citizens to work, learn, and communicate with one another, and it is therefore important that broadband access in unserved and underserved areas be improved and maintained.”

It further states that “technology is transforming the agriculture industry, businesses, schools, government and other agencies, and such advances are largely dependent on maintaining strong, reliable internet connectivity.”

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Rachel Rodgers

Rachel Rodgers

Rachel Rodgers joined Sauk Valley Media in 2016 covering local government in Dixon and Lee County.