Back to School in a Normal Way

Summer feels like it flies by every year, and perhaps even faster this year having had a return to normal activities.

As fall draws closer, a typical school year is expected at Immanuel Lutheran. In-person learning is set to continue, along with an immediate return to athletics and other school activities.

There will be updated protocols and safety procedures in place, as Principal John Meulendyke points out.

“Masks will be optional, and regular, unobtrusive testing will be available for unvaccinated staff and students,” Meulendyke said. “Different protocols will be in place and will vary depending on the level of community transmission using county and CDC metrics.”

Even with new safety measures and keeping a close eye on the health and wellness of students and staff, things should look and feel like they did before.

As families get ready for the coming school year, here are a few basic tips to help the transition back into the classroom.

Prepare for normalcy

Even with in-person learning last year, things hardly felt normal. The return to that may “feel new” for your children at first, and that’s perfectly okay. It’s important to understand all updated protocols and guidelines at the school and stay in communication with your children about it.

Plan for new schedules

The switch from summer schedules to “school time” can be a bit jarring if you’re unprepared, particularly this year when sports and other school activities are scheduled right away compared to last year, where they were delayed until the winter. It’s helpful to adjust your sleep and personal routines ahead if you can, so that the return to school will be easier.

“Pre-covid activities are scheduled to return to normal,” Meulendyke continues. “We’re excited to begin the school year and continue our academically excellent, relationally-driven, and Christ-centered mission.”

For more back to school and other helpful information, visit the Immanuel website or call 815-459-1444.

Immanuel Lutheran School

300 S Pathway Ct

Crystal Lake, IL 60414