Time’s up: Carpentersville says no Binnie Road plans

U.S. Capital proposed three warehouses on about 80 acres

Carpentersville trustees say they are no longer interested in a controversial concept plan that could have brought warehouse buildings and truck traffic to the intersection of Randall and Binnie roads.

Carpentersville officials Friday said they were no longer interested in pursuing conceptual plans for a warehouse development at a busy Randall Road intersection -- ending monthslong speculation of what would come of the proposal.

In September, Missouri-based U.S. Capital Development presented concept plans to build three warehouse buildings on about 80 acres at the southeast corner of Randall and Binnie Roads. The proposal, which included a combined 1 million square feet of warehouse space and 320 stalls for trucks to drop off and pick up goods, drew opposition from neighboring residents and officials in West Dundee, who had turned down a similar proposal.

Carpentersville officials in November organized an open house to discuss the proposal for the property, which is in an unincorporated area between West Dundee and Carpentersville. And though the developer anticipated submitting final plans after the new year, Carpentersville officials said they have not received anything.

“We’re done with these guys,” Carpentersville Village Manager John O’Sullivan said Friday.

He said trustees discussed the issue at the end of Tuesday’s village board meeting, following a closed session.

“They basically said that they have lost patience with the whole thing,” O’Sullivan said, adding that trustees were facing questions regularly about the controversial proposal.

He added U.S. Capital never addressed concerns raised by residents about traffic, noise levels or lighting.

“It’s probably not the best location for light industrial use,” O’Sullivan said. “But we’re open to the owner if they want to come back with something different or better for that location.”

Friday’s announcement was welcome news to residents who have opposed the project.

“Obviously, we’re ecstatic,” said Tom French, who helped start the Community First Alliance, a grassroots group of residents opposed to the project. “But on the same token, we have to keep an eye on this property because who knows what’s next.”

Like Carpentersville, West Dundee Village President Chris Nelson said he would be interested in working with the property owners to find an acceptable use for the land. Though Carpentersville and West Dundee do not have a boundary agreement, Nelson noted the property is within West Dundee’s planning area and has been identified in the village’s comprehensive plan.

Noting the property offers a varied ecosystem and is near other recreational land, he said the village has reached out to state representatives to see if any assistance would be available to help acquire the property.

“We’re only in the beginning stages of that discussion,” Nelson said, adding it would take a cooperative effort among various agencies to make acquiring the property feasible. “We would need to work with all entities to establish a vision for it and a plan for the property, not only for its use but also for ongoing maintenance.”

An attorney representing the property owner was unavailable for comment Friday.

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