Letter: Be a champion like Homer Glen mayor

Letter to the Editor

Illinois is a national leader of the number of 8,529 units of local government, causing extreme financial hardships on residents, when 46 states function with fewer than 2,500 units.

Homer Glen Mayor Christina Neitzke-Troike, a champion of government consolidation, a champion of the people: “It’s time to question, do we need the extra layer of a township government?”

Thank you, Mayor Neitzke-Troike for the March 19 non-binding referendum to dissolve Homer Township, a first step to eliminate layers of government and their duplicative services. The referendum successfully passed and speaks volumes of, get rid of taxing bodies we don’t need!

Of course, the referendum received push-back from the keepers of outdated townships.

Homer Township Supervisor Steve Balich said the township provides several services to its residents. “The township has a dog park, has a medical supply cabinet to loan walkers, shower chairs, crutches, plans events and a pet fair.” Really? Do we need a taxing government for this? No! Illinois has 1,430 townships, all wasting taxpayer money. The city of Chicago abolished their nine township governments in 1902. Evanston Township was abolished in 2013, saving over $800,000 a year. Illinois has 17 counties that do not have township government or their tax waste.

Note: Township government was established in the 1850s, prior to 1,300 Illinois city and village governments.

General Assembly members, please take note. Be a champion like Homer Glen Mayor Christina Neitzke-Troike. Illinoisans are looking for champions of government consolidation, which will eliminate duplication of services, increase efficiencies, and most of all, save taxpayer money.

Bob Anderson

Wonder Lake