Oglesby taverns and gaming parlors won’t see the city’s $25 gaming license fee go up — not this year, anyway.
But Mayor Dom Rivara said Monday the fee will be raised incrementally over the next three years to $250. The fee climbs by $100 next year, then by $75 and then by $50.
“We also want to go back and look at our liquor and gaming licenses to make sure everything is in order,” Rivara said. “We want our businesses to be successful and look at how we can both prosper.”
The city held off on raising its licensing fee, something Peru has already done, until Rivara said he learned machine companies typically absorb much if not all municipal fees. Distributors split the fees with establishments in most cases.
Rivara said he hopes to use some of the resulting revenues to fund scholarships to Illinois Valley Community College for Oglesby students, make capital improvements at city parks and clear up storm damage at the boat landing.
Separately, Rivara advised businesses adult entertainment is governed by city ordinance and will be enforced.
The question arose after a few stray incidents that reached City Hall about performers in G-strings. That, Rivara said, is a violation of the ordinance and citations will be issued if additional incidents occur.