Hove earns Eagle rank

Jacob Hove recently earned Eagle rank in Boy Scouts.

Jacob Hove, a member of Scouts BSA Troop 2810, chartered at Salem Lutheran Church in Sycamore, has earned his Eagle Scout Award, the highest rank achievable in scouting. He is the son of Julie Hove and Pete Hove, both of Sycamore.

Hove started in scouting with Pack 822 out of South Prairie Elementary School in fourth grade, achieving the rank of Webelos. In addition, he earned his Arrow of Light award. In fifth grade, he crossed over into Boy Scouts and joined Troop 2810. Along his trail to Eagle, Hove served as senior patrol leader, quartermaster and instructor, among other positions.

He earned a total of 51 merit badges, the highest ever in the troop with coin collecting being his favorite. Going above and beyond on his badges also earned him the distinction of earning two Silver Palms.

The winter cabin trips at Canyon Camp were his favorites, and he also attended the same camp five times over the summers. He attended several high adventure trips, including the National Jamboree in 2017, Boundary Waters in Minnesota in 2018 and the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico in 2019, in which he backpacked for two weeks through the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Additionally, he attended NAYLE leadership training and was selected as a member of the Order of the Arrow.

His Eagle project benefited Tails Humane Society. He consulted with Ali Taylor, volunteer and outreach manager at Tails, and came up with a project of building a cat hotel that had seven compartments. Taylor showed Hove a picture of what would be best for the animals, but Hove designed the blueprints himself. His structure is a cat favorite and enables people coming in to better see the cats that they wish to adopt.

A recent graduate of Sycamore High School, he is currently attending Kishwaukee College. While in high school, Hove played trumpet in the band and was on the soccer team. He also was involved in FFA, the History Club and the Welding Club.

To learn more about the troop contact Scoutmaster Joshua Hoffman at scoutmaster.2810@comcast.net.

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