Kendall County Health Department hits the road with new mobile clinic

The Kendall County Health Department is putting a mobile clinic on the road. Seen here with the new van are, from left, Executive Director RaeAnn VanGundy, Assistant Executive Director Steve Curatti and Community Health Director Terri Olson, on Dec. 20, 2022.

The Kendall County Health Department is starting the new year with a state-of-the-art mobile medical clinic designed to bring its services and information directly to residents.

“It’s a van that we will be taking to all four corners of the county,” health department Executive Director RaeAnn VanGundy said.

The van can be used as vaccination clinic, or as an office to help residents sign up for energy assistance programs or for public relations outreach at community events.

“We’ll get out there and we’ll be working with the schools and seeing what we can do to provide additional services as well as hitting all the spring fairs and definitely during the summers as well as back-to-school events,” VanGundy said.

Whether it is providing COVID-19 booster shots, performing blood pressure checks or helping residents gain access to financial assistance and health department programs, the new van is fully equipped to serve the public.

The cost of the new van is $188,000, which the Kendall County Board purchased through the use of federal American Rescue Plan Act monies.

“This is a real boost and will allow us to really get out and do the outreach to community members, especially to those in smaller and farther out service areas,” VanGundy said.