Given the importance of preventive maintenance in the construction industry, it’s crucial to understand how to spot areas that need it and how necessary it is to not put it off. This knowledge is critical for any type of small- or large-scale property, whether you’re in charge of maintaining your own home or a large office building.
“For the health of your property’s aesthetics and longevity, you have to keep the water away,” said Katie Heiden, CEO of RHK Construction. “Water damage and erosion are very destructive, so people need to know how to spot areas that are or could be in trouble.”
According to Heiden, it’s important to walk your property every spring and fall and look for loose or flaking brick, missing mortar joints, concrete with chips or spalls, and sunken concrete from water penetration issues. “Look for ripped caulk joints, which can be found near windows and doors, and where the foundation, slab, or footings meet the building,” she advised.
Another issue to look for is eroding soil where water is not draining away from the building. “We’ve seen water rushing down the face of buildings and homes from gutters that don’t have lips in crucial areas, which damages the aesthetics and even the structure itself,” added Heiden. “When this happens, you can get a buildup of moisture in the area, resulting in mold around windows, defacing of brick, plywood softening, or even soil being washed away and exposing more of the footing, slab, or foundation. This leaves vital areas exposed to more extreme weathering events.”
It is common knowledge that water is constantly moving, shaping the geography and surrounding environments. “When it comes close to where we reside, it will shape those areas as well,” said Heiden. “To avoid these situations, it’s imperative to do walk-throughs of your property twice a year. We want our communities to stand the test of time.”
Call RHK Construction for all your Precast, Masonry, and Concrete Restoration solutions.
RHK Construction, Inc.
219 West Galena Blvd.
Aurora, IL 60506