Literacy Volunteers Fox Valley welcomes new director

Literacy Volunteers Fox Valley welcomed its new executive director Rebecca Eller-Molitas on May 1, 2024.

Literacy Volunteers Fox Valley welcomed its new executive director Rebecca Eller-Molitas on May 1 after the retirement of longtime executive director Peg Coker on April 26.

Literacy Volunteers Fox Valley is a nonprofit organization that responds to adult literacy needs in the community. Supported by a volunteer board and tutors, its mission is to help individuals in the region acquire and validate the literacy skills needed to function more effectively in contemporary society.

In a recent news release, LVFV announced that Eller-Molitas joined the organization. It said it looks forward to her continued contribution to the growth and success of the organization, as well as the support she will bring to the Fox Valley community.

Eller-Molitas has more than 15 years of experience in adult education and literacy. Most recently, she worked as an adult education consultant with New Readers Press, representing the company at national, state and local conferences. She also serves as adjunct faculty at Elgin Community College.

Eller-Molitas has served as director of adult learning and literacy at the People’s Resource Center in Wheaton, executive director for Literacy Forsyth in Cummings, Georgia, and site director and lead teacher for Literacy Action, Inc. in Atlanta.

Eller-Molitas has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Virginia Intermont College and a master’s degree in social justice in intercultural relations and adult education from the SIT Graduate Institute in Vermont. She has a graduate certification in educational technology from Louisiana State University.

“Her ability to plan for the future, spearhead fundraising efforts, engage the community and remain dedicated to both short-term and long-term planning makes her well-prepared to drive success for LVFV”, the organization said in the release.