St. Charles east side post office renamed to honor Vietnam veterans

On Wednesday, U.S. Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Schaumburg), introduced a bill to rename the St. Charles East Side Station Post Office as the Veterans of the Vietnam War Memorial Post Office.

The St. Charles East Side Station Post Office was renamed the Veterans of the Vietnam War Memorial Post Office after a bill for the change was signed into law by President Joe Biden on May 7.

The signage is expected to be changed after a renaming ceremony later this year at the post office at 616 E. Main St.

The legislation, originally introduced by U.S. Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, a Democrat who represents Illinois’ Eighth Congressional District, passed the House of Representatives in October 2023 and the U.S. Senate last month.

“By renaming the post office in St. Charles after the veterans who bravely served our country during the Vietnam War, it is my hope that our community will be constantly reminded of the sacrifices made by those men and women in uniform,” Krishnamoorthi said in a news release. “I’m grateful to President Biden for signing my bipartisan legislation into law and I want to thank my colleagues in both chambers, particularly Sens. [Tammy] Duckworth and [Dick] Durbin, for supporting my bill’s unanimous passage in the House and Senate. I look forward to joining with local veterans in St. Charles in the coming months to celebrate the renaming of the post office in their honor.”

Krishnamoorthi introduced the bill in March 2023 in honor of National Vietnam War Veterans Day with the support of local leaders and veterans groups from across Illinois’ Eighth Congressional District.