Letter: Consider Schimpf for Governor

Keyboard - letter to the editor

The Primary Election is Tuesday, June 28. Six Republican candidates are vying for the opportunity to run against JB Pritzger in November. Each of those candidates has unique qualifications; however, one candidate repeatedly distinguishes himself from the others with his credentials, his sense of purpose, his ethics, and his vision for Illinois.

Paul Schimpf is a Naval Academy graduate, 20-year U.S. Marine veteran, former prosecutor, former state senator, and a family man. He has extensive experience at both the national and state levels; his running mate Carolyn Schofield has extensive experience in county government. Both of them have engineering degrees. Both of them are problem solvers. Both of them are committed to creating a better Illinois for all of us.

The Chicago Tribune endorsed Schimpf last week saying: “We urge our Republican readers to take a closer look at a candidate from rural Monroe County with a keen brain and the closest profile to a traditional GOP leader who stands for limited government, personal freedom, [and] tolerance for different points of view… We find him of lively intellect. We deem him to be a straight talker. And we consider him potentially capable of unifying our state.”

Please consider Paul Schimpf for Illinois Governor. He is truly a statesman. Wouldn’t that be a welcome change for our beloved state?

Elizabeth Bishop, La Salle