Letter: Christians should refrain from having “potty mouths”

Keyboard - letter to the editor

I am a Christian and I’m voting for Donald Trump. We are seeing in real time what a socialist country is like and what it can do to a free people. But many seem blind to the socialist movement taking place at America’s front door and where it will ultimately lead.

What a great privilege we have in this country to govern ourselves instead of being under the thumb of a tyrant. Putin has killed, continues to kill, and is threatening to kill and purge more of his own people and so controls many because of their fear of being put to death. Those presently in leadership in our country are also using fear as a tactic of controlling many people.

Speaking to Christians, is our freedom worth fighting for? Should Christians be in the military or become Police or be involved in politics in order to protect our nation from outside enemies or criminals from within (Matthew 24:43)? Are not Christians citizens of the United States and as such should we not be responsible citizens?

Our country consists of people groups of different faiths and some who do not identify with a faith of any kind. But we as Christians have as our standard the Holy Bible, God’s Word. This article is about our language.

Shame on Donald Trump or anyone professing to be a Christian with a potty mouth. Instead of “Potty Mouth” I think of toilet, “Toilet Mouth”. Toilets are used to flush our filth down not bring it up. Read the bathroom parable in Matthew 15:10-20.

Research has supposedly shown that Trump’s use of swear words could be strategic, helping his image as a truth teller unafraid of being politically correct. I believe regardless of their affiliation with a religion or not his base would continue to follow him if he reframed from swearing but that some will not vote for him because of his vulgarity.

I would rather be a God-pleaser than a man-pleaser (Galatians 1:10). Jesus was a truth teller and He didn’t use vulgarity, yet He boldly confronted the hypocrisy and evil of those in power, mainly the religious leaders of His time.

I’m voting for Donald Trump because he made promises to the Christian base and he kept them. Protecting our borders, our Constitution, our freedom of speech, our freedom of religion, standing for Law and Order, standing with Israel and standing against the killing of our children by means of abortion.

But his taking a stand for these things doesn’t qualify him for Heaven. I don’t know if he attends a church or if he professes to be a Christian, but he, like the rest of us will one day stand before God and give an account of himself before Him.

God’s clear warning is, “But among you there must not be; obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking; such a man has no inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ” (Ephesians 5:3-7).