Senior Spotlight>Nicole Kerber (Bureau Valley High School)

Name: Nicole Kerber.

School: Bureau Valley High School.

Date/place of birth: March 29, 2005 in Champaign.

Hometown: New Bedford.

Family: Ryan and Dana (parents), Olivia (sister), Allan (brother) Kerber

Sports/activities: Volleyball, Basketball, Science Club, NHS, FCA

Nickname(s): Kerb.

Favorite sport and why: Basketball, because you can build a family within the team.

Favorite food and where to get it: Allen Special from Los Ranchitos.

Likes: Being outdoors, road trips, and eating out.

Dislikes: Onions and orange flavoring.

Person with the greatest influence on my athletic career and why: Mr. Blackert, because he was my first basketball coach and he had so much confidence in me.

Person(s) with the greatest influence in my life and why: My parents, because they are who I spend most of my time with.

Who’s your dream celebrity prom date: Ryan Reynolds.

Name three historic figures you’d like to meet and why: George Washington, JFK, and Marie Antoinette, because I think they would all have very interesting stories to share.

If stranded on a deserted island, I would have my: Best friend.

The last song I listened to: “Beautiful Drug.”

People would be surprised to know, I stay home to watch: “Regular Show.”

When I need luck for a big game, I: Wear my hair in a tight braid.

The funniest person I’ve ever met and why?: Alaina Wasilewski, because she can make jokes with just about anything.

What they’ll say about me at school after I graduate: That I had a lot of Storm pride and attended as many events as I could.

Most embarrassing moment: Shooting at the wrong hoop my freshman year

Most unforgettable moment: Beating hall during regionals my junior year

Ultimate sports fantasy: To play with our girls team now, but add Mallory Endress.

What I would like to do in life: Attend ISU for physical education.

Three words that best describe myself: Loud, confident, and empathetic.