September 10, 2024
Election | Kendall County Now


2017 Election Questionnaire: Montgomery Village Board candidate William C. Keck

William C. Keck

104 Second Avenue




Current occupation



Bachelor's degree in business management

Immediate family

Widower with two grown daughters and two grandsons

Previous village/civic involvement

Village trustee from 1993 to 2013

Why are you seeking election as a Montgomery Village Board member?

Over the last year there has been a pattern of behavior by trustee Steve Jungermann that is irresponsible and absolutely reprehensible while acting in his official capacity as a village trustee. He escalated situations with residents that resulted in his arrest by the Montgomery Police Department. Trustee Jungermann ultimately appeared before a judge, was found guilty, fined and sentenced to community service for his unlawful actions. This is absolutely unacceptable behavior for an elected official. Four years ago, Jungermann, Sperling, Brolley and Lee ran as the "Return to Reason" coalition. Montgomery residents were sold a bill of goods with this group. They ran and presented themselves as a like-minded, tight knit team. In light of this, it then follows that these four should equally share responsibility for the actions of one of their group. But not once was there a call for trustee Jungermann to resign from a "Return to Reason" coalition. There was silence, which only can be seen as approval and acceptance of his actions. I am running because the residents of Montgomery deserve the best candidates possible, but instead what they got was this "Return to Reason" bunch.

What differentiates you from the other candidates running for the village board?

I have the correct temperament and lifetime of real-world business experience along with 20 years of previous village service. I could hit the ground running.

If elected, what would be your top priority as a board member?

I just received notice from Kane County that my property taxes will increase by 14 percent next year. This will create an extreme hardship as many village residents are on fixed incomes. Add to this, the state is talking about increasing the income tax. This will be devastating for many residents. Someone has to make the hard decisions to hold the line and to cut. It has to start at the local level.

What project or projects would you like to see the village accomplish over the next four years?

The sugar dome and new truck terminal are a step in the right direction. More of these type of businesses have to be brought in. I think a "Shop Montgomery First" campaign would be good and cost very little.

What can and should the village do to foster local economic development, especially in the downtown area and along Douglas and Orchard Roads?

The Orchard Road TIF is an absolute fiasco and a huge, costly mistake that wasn't thought out before implementation. This is the result of a lack of experience and leadership that starts at the top.