June 16, 2024
Local News

After controversial assembly, DeKalb school board wants principal to resign

comp:000056dd513e:00000027c6:2816 4 Proposed settlement agreement <p style=" margin: 12px auto 6px auto; font-family: Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; -x-system-font: none; display: block;"> <a title="View Ropeter Settlement Agreement on Scribd" href="https://www.scribd.com/doc/304017108/Ropeter-Settlement-Agreement" style="text-decoration: underline;" >Ropeter Settlement Agreement</a></p><iframe class="scribd_iframe_embed" src="https://www.scribd.com/embeds/304017108/content?start_page=1&view_mode=scroll&show_recommendations=true" data-auto-height="false" data-aspect-ratio="undefined" scrolling="no" id="doc_83646" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe> xl left 0

DeKALB – The DeKalb District 428 School Board will consider a deal that would require DeKalb High School's principal to resign this summer at its board meeting Tuesday.

District officials put principal Tamra Ropeter on paid administrative leave after a controversial Black Student Union assembly on Feb. 24 drew extensive parent criticism and rumors of violent threats. Superintendent Doug Moeller has taken over as principal in Ropeter's absence.

The day after the assembly, Moeller said that Ropeter was out because of a scheduled absence. Two days afterward, on Feb. 26, he wrote in a letter to District 428 parents that Ropeter would be out for the rest of the school year.

“In the midst of the challenges faced this week, Tamra Ropeter, DeKalb High School principal, is taking a leave of absence for the rest of the school year to address personal matters,” Moeller wrote in a letter to parents. “The district wishes Ms. Ropeter the best, and thanks her for her commitment to DHS the past four years.”

The board will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, at the education center, 901 S. Fourth St., DeKalb.

“Ropeter was placed on paid administrative leave since Feb. 26, 2016 pending the Board's investigation into parent concerns about repercussions from an assembly,” according to board documents. “Differences have arisen between Ropeter and the board concerning her employment and the parties agree to resolve these disputes and issues without resort to further litigation.”

Under terms of the proposed settlement agreement, Ropeter will continue to be paid her $125,700 annual salary through June 30, which is when her contract was set to end. Until then, she will be reassigned to other duties if she agrees to resign at that time.

Moeller and school board president Victoria Newport couldn't immediately be reached for comment after 5 p.m. Friday.