Thank You Letters to Northwest Herald Area Veterans

AgriNews will dedicate its Nov. 8 online and Nov. 10 print editions to veterans to thank them for their selfless service and dedication to our country.

Veteran Raymond Bishop: Thank you Ray for serving in Viet Nam and being a great neighbor. You have only two flaws-being a Packers and Brewers fan!! Charles Berndt

Veteran William Moll, Sr: We love our Papa Bill/Great Papa Bill! Thank you for serving our country! I remember you telling us stories of your ship while sipping cream soda! Love you bunches! Xoxo Christina Bryant

All Veterans: Being a Veteran I appreciate all the sacrifice that Veterans like myself have made for this country. Dave Butler

Veteran Danny R. Malome: Thank you for your 21 years dedicated service to the Army and our country. Danny Malone

Veteran Danny Malone: Dear Sgt Danny Malone: On this Veterans Day, I write to thank you for your service to our nation. “Thank you” is not nearly sufficient to express my gratitude for what you went through! The Vietnam war you served in cost nothing to the civilians who stayed at home. It breaks my heart to think of the sacrifices of true heroes who were met with such disrespect by so many when they were fortunate enough to return home. While I can never say that I understand what the war was like for you, I know enough to imagine your hardships and horrors. I know the time you sacrificed with your family and friends back home. I know you suffered through discomfort and inconvenience, I know the things you gave up when you served in a far-away land. I can’t begin to feel how you felt about the job you had to perform when you were ordered to kill or capture the enemy. I know you endured unspeakable horror, brutality, and deprivation. You experienced things no human should ever witness, unlike those of us at home. At home, people complained about having to bring so many groceries into the house when you had to carry heavy gear along with water and ammunition. We worried over lack of sleep while you were out in the jungle for weeks sleeping in foxholes or in a poncho suspended between trees in an effort to stay dry. We had the luxury of eating three meals a day while you ate rations and suffered through heat, humidity, mosquitoes, leeches, skin rashes, and jungle itch. We showered in warm water using nicely scented soap, while that was completely alien to you in the jungle. We worried about what meals to cook and where we would celebrate holidays while your worry was always about your men’s safety. Your heartbreak was remembering those who were lost. You served with some of those 58,000 names on a wall that is in Washington, a wall with such staggering numbers of names that it still brings people to their knees. The only comfort you had was when you were able to receive letters from home if and when helicopters were able to resupply the jungle units. You are the personification of patriotism and self-sacrifice for your dedication to our country! You accepted the loss of your personal freedom and safety, and accepted the potential loss of your own life to protect us. We should all remember the words of Marcus Tullius Cicero (106BC-43 BC) when he wrote, “Poor is the nation that has no heroes, but poorer still is the nation that, having heroes, fails to remember them.” I remember you, Sgt Malone. You are one of our Heroes, one who gave so we didn’t have to. Thank you from a grateful American who owes you a debt that can never be repaid! Donna A. McAnally


Veteran Gary R Jenson: Thank you to all our Veterans for a job well done! Gloria gloria

Vernon Allen Sutfin: Navy WW 2 Blume Fountaine thanks Dad George Sutfin

Veteran Alexander C Walker: I would like to say thanks to my dad a WW 11 Navy Seabee that was in the south pacific. My father-in law that was in the Army Air Corp in WW 11 and flew 30 missions over Germany in a B17. And last to our son Alex, a ROTC grad, 1st Cav. that was ordered to Mosul Iraq after graduation. Back to Ft. Hood and then volunteered to Bagram Afghanistan where he lead over 100 mounted and dismounted combat patrols. I take my hat off to all three of them, and to all our Veterans past and present, God Bless. Greg Walker

Veteran John Oefelein: Thank you for serving during the Vietnam Era. You have made us proud. John Oefelein

All Veterans: Veterans over the years since the war with Britain when America obtained our independence have been fighting for our country and our freedom. Thousands of our boys have sacrificed their lives so that the rest of us can live in safety and freedom. We have not always been so thankful especially during the Vietnam war but luckily and thankfully that has changed. Our boys and men still sign up to protect us and I thank each and every one of you. You are strong and brave and will be remembered. Thank you so much for all that you do for us and all of America. Kathi Seibt

Veteran Donald Butkus: Thank all of you for our freedom. You’re all in our prayers. Keith Butkus

Veteran Kathryn Heflin: Thank you for your service to our country and your 2 deployments to Afghanistan. Karen Heflin

Veteran Gerald R Havens: To my dear husband who served in Vietnam and was wounded and almost didn’t make it. We love you and thank you for serving Love, Linda Havens

Veteran Ryan Michael Parlier: My wonderful son, Ryan, had been in the Army for 16+ years. He’s been deployed to Afghanistan, Kawait, South Korea, among other places. He even volunteered to stay an extra year in South Korea because he knew his services would benefit our country. What he did sacrifice, unfortunately, was being more involved in his son’s life (because he’s divorced). Each summer, he’d come home to see his son (or his son and I would travel to see him for several weeks). He plans to continue to serve our country for several more years. I nominate him for his continued selfless service to our country. Michelle Parlier

Veteran James Leon Barrett Sr: My husband Jim is a Navy veteran. 20 years of service🇺🇸 He was so dedicated and compassionate about his service. He was on a west pac when his first child was born and didn’t get to met him till he was over a month old. I love this opportunity to thank him and all of the men and women that have served, their bravery is appreciated. Thank you to our heroes the VETERANS 🇺🇸❤🇺🇲 and all currently serving in the military for the USA. Patty Barrett

Veteran Sean S. Henning, Veteran Kelli Albanese, Veteran Keelyn Henning, Veteran Pete Albanese: I am a very lucky mom as I have four children who are veterans from the Saudi to Iraq war. They all came out of it a little scarred but are four proud veterans. Three are Army and one Marine. Pat Hennng

Veteran Kurt w Swanson: To my son who gave his all in desert storm. Thank you for your service. We love you Patricia Swanson

Veteran Ryan Yantis: Everyone who knows you has gratitude and appreciation for your 9/11 Pentagon heroism and your 30-year commitment to the U.S. Army. Your patriotic example inspires us and your continued service through Rotary Dawnbreakers, VFW and American Legion makes a difference in our community ... from Crystal Lake Food Pantry service, Road Clean Up, 9/11 Presentations, collaboration with veterans of all ages and stages of life, and so much more. Keep inspiring youth and changing lives.Our community is richer for your involvement and example. Thank you so very much! Sue Dobbe-Leahy

Veteran Thomas Eugene Ausderau: I’m proud to be married to a 20 year Army veteran. We shared many adventures and many memories. I’m grateful for the opportunities to live and work overseas and stateside with you and our children. Suellen Ausderau

Veteran SPF Buddy James Eugene Henderlight: Ever since my brother was killed in Viet Nam in1969 my heartfelt respect and eternal gratitude for all veterans grows deeper each day. To say, “thank you”, isn’t enough for their dedication, selflessness and sacrifices they gave for this country. In their individual way they embody the qualities that make them deserving of recognition, praise, and lasting gratitude. I don’t know you all but we owe you all. Thank you! Susan Kallerud

Veteran John William Swett: John served in Vietnam and was seriously injured. As most of his squad/troop was killed, one soldier came back and pulled him out. He was able to meet this fellow veteran several years ago and it has enriched his life. John has always been a hardworking man. Now in retirement he helps his extended family considerably often without any thanks or appreciation. He is honest to a fault. Susan Swett

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