Schedule A/C Tune-up Now to Reduce Summer Energy Bill

Dowe & Wagner Inc - Schedule A/C Tune-up Now to Reduce Summer Energy Bill

When possible, it’s better to see your doctor during a scheduled health check-up, versus an unexpected race to the emergency room. Not only do routine check-ups save money and time, they reduce stress by helping prevent crisis situations, and by catching and fixing problems early. The same goes for the health of your heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment.

With air conditioning season almost here, experts urge homeowners to schedule their A/C checks now, to avoid breakdowns during the upcoming hot summer months.

Tom Eppers, co-owner of Dowe & Wagner, a full-service HVAC company serving residential and commercial customers in Illinois and Wisconsin, adds that a well-serviced A/C unit saves money. “Air conditioning and heating systems are the biggest users of energy in the home, responsible for up to 75 percent of the utility bill,” he explained. “When the unit has been cleaned and overhauled, the machinery can function correctly, cleaned and free of debris, with parts that have been inspected and tightened.”

Proper care can also extend the life of your A/C unit, and may fulfill the requirements of your manufacturer’s warranty, too.

Another way to help lower your energy bill is to install a programmable thermostat, which automatically adjusts your home’s temperature based on occupancy and fluctuates throughout the day. Varying the home’s temperature reduces energy usage with no interruption in comfort.

Eppers adds that some utility companies offer rebates for energy-saving devices. The U.S. Department of Energy says that smart thermostats can save consumers as much as 10 percent on their energy bill each year.

If you skip a tune-up this season, be alert for warning signs that your system may need service, including a unit that’s blowing warm air, leaking water, or making loud noises.

For more information, or to schedule an A/C tune-up, please contact:

Dowe & Wagner : 11215 Commercial Street : Richmond, IL 60071 : 815.678.3000 :

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