Letter: Vote for Sue Miller


Sue Miller is running for the McHenry City Council as an incumbent. She is an outstanding individual, thoroughly devoted to the people of McHenry and deserving of your support.

Having known Sue for over 30 years, I have found her to be a capable, intelligent individual committed to service. She has had a leading role in the real estate industry and now serves in city government, as well. She is unlikely to mention her efforts to help the needy, rescue animals, most of the McHenry County food pantries and other worthy causes.

Years ago during COVID‘s worst moments, when people were losing their jobs and livelihood right and left, she and a few kind friends brought in several food trucks to the local pantries. They distributed food and helped so many families at a point of great need. You should have seen her directing traffic in middle of the FISH pantry parking lot.

Then, there are the backpacks for needy children, Christmas gifts for poorest in December and so many other acts of kindness.

Nancy Vazzano

Crystal Lake

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