Letter: Indyke for Woodstock City Council


With the upcoming Woodstock City Council election, I ask the voters of Woodstock to reflect and consider the following:

The current mayor, his predecessor, and the City Council have taken Woodstock for a ride. They have never met a tax or fee that they didn’t like. Remember home rule to facilitate the increased sales tax? How about the bag tax, gas tax and push tax that followed? How about the issuance of millions of dollars in bonds while spending $20 million and counting on the courthouse? An endeavor that will never see a return on an investment of that size.

They have ignored the needs of the city to focus almost solely on the square. If you have doubt, think about the conditions of the streets and roads, the lack of dining and shopping opportunities, and the closed businesses along McConnell Road. Also, consider the actions taken by the council that benefited current and former members.

Given the above, I’m proud to endorse Mark Indyke for the Woodstock City Council. I have a long history and friendship with Indyke. I am familiar with his work on the civic commission and his involvement with fraternal and charitable organizations. Indyke has a sense of community and common sense. He will be a reasoned voice for the city while understanding that the boundaries extend beyond the square. Indyke is an independent vote and a welcome addition to the council.

Leonard Mitchell


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