Letter: Vote for Lauren Underwood


It’s incumbent on us all to weed through all the negativity and misinformation, consider whether party or specific issues are more important, and then vote for the candidates who will best represent us in what could become a truly pivotal mid-term election.

Lauren Underwood has lived up to her 2018 election pledge to be the most accessible, transparent and accountable member of Congress District 14 has ever seen. She’s been present for almost all roll call votes, yet still finds time to travel throughout the wide-spread district meeting with constituents and listening to their needs; then translating it into action. What a contrast to the Republican incumbent she defeated who was rarely seen for more than a few photo ops and who more than once promised to vote one way, then voted another.

Lauren’s know-how and common-sense, get-it-done approach has translated into the passage of legislation to lower health care and prescription drug costs, expand affordable health care, protect our environment, improve veteran’s mental health and other needs, women’s health issues and much more.

Her seat on pivotal Congressional committees means that her (i.e., our) voice is heard and things are getting done for D-14 and beyond. We can’t afford to lose her voice now.

Regretfully, I can’t vote for Lauren again because I’ve been gerrymandered out of D-14, but I urge everyone in the 14th to vote for her, and to encourage others in the 14th to do so as well.

Judy Minsley


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