Letter: Vote Robb Tadelman for sheriff


I have known Robb Tadelman longer than anyone because I am his mother. I have paid attention to everything he has done during his entire life. I have been critical of him when I felt he was making a poor choice and told him so. He has learned from experience that always doing the right thing will be better in the long run even if it is not the popular choice. That is how our family lives. Robb went into law enforcement because 9/11 happened – he knew in his heart he needed to help serve and protect. He was asked to run for sheriff – it was not something he “wanted to do his whole life.” It just evolved. That’s life. Things happen to move people in the right direction, where they are needed. Leaders are developed by the people around them who ask them to serve.

Robb has always been a leader in one way or another, on the sports field, in college and at the Sheriff’s department. I encourage you to attend an event to meet Robb. Robb is about telling the truth based on actual verifiable facts. Leaders like Robb have no interest in being bullies. And the truth is the truth.

Robb will continue to do the right thing – always – because he is truthful, fair, compassionate, organized, reasonable, logical, consistent, trustworthy, experienced and law abiding.

Robb Tadelman will be your next sheriff of McHenry County. Please vote for him.

Dale Tadelman

Lake in the Hills

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