School District 300 Algonquin employee arrested on child pornography charges

Peters, attendance secretary at Westfield Community School in Algonquin, placed on administrative leave

Donald J. Peters, 34, of Cary, who works at Westfield Community School in Algonquin, a Community Unit School District 300 was arrested Tuesday and charged with two Class X felony counts of solicitation and reproduction or distribution of child pornography. (Inset photo provided by Algonquin Police Department)

ALGONQUIN – A Cary man who works at a Kindergarten through eighth grade school in Algonquin was arrested Tuesday and charged with two Class X felony counts of solicitation and reproduction or distribution of child pornography.

Donald J. Peters, 34, works at Westfield Community School in Algonquin, a Community Unit School District 300 spokesman said Wednesday. As of Wednesday, the website for Westfield school’s attendance secretary doesn’t show Peters in the role.

“District 300 can confirm Donald Peters’ employment at Westfield Community School. Mr. Peters has been placed on administrative leave. Due to the ongoing nature of the investigation, the district cannot provide further comment at this time,” according to a prepared statement from the district.

The Algonquin police investigation was aided by Cary police, the Illinois Attorney General’s Office and the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, according to a release from the department.

Investigators searched Peters’ home in Cary with a warrant. The Algonquin Police Department’s news release did not say when the search occurred.

Peters’ charges include felony counts of child pornography, felony counts of intimidation and cyberstalking, and misdemeanor charges of electronic harassment and disorderly conduct.

Peters’ charging documents did not appear in online McHenry County Courthouse records as of Wednesday.

According to the news release, Peters’s bond on his arrest warrant was set at $250,000. He posted $25,000, or 10% of that, for bail and was released pending a future court date.

Peters, who has been attendance secretary at Westfield since September 2018, was placed on administrative leave Tuesday, according to the district spokesman.

Before that, Peters was the head custodian at Algonquin’s Jacobs High School from August 2016 through September 2018, and a night custodian/supervisor at Hampshire’s Wright Elementary School from September 2007 through August 2016, according to District 300 records.

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