Advia Credit Union donates electronic signs to Cary District 26 schools

Cary Junior High School assistant principal Stephanie Brashear prepares to cut the ribbon. Pictured (L to R): Ashley Neubauer of Advia Credit Union, Kathy Ewing, Cali Draffkorn of Advia Credit Union, Rafael Casteneda, CJH student Avya Tomar, Doug Katz, CJH student Ella Grimm, Dawn Turner, Brashear, District 26 Superintendent Dr. Brandon White, CJH student Jacob Lima, Lynn Caccavallo, Shannon Morreale and Vesela Nikay

Cary School District 26 celebrated the donation of two electronic signs for Cary Junior High and Deer Path Elementary School with a recent ribbon-cutting ceremony.

The ceremony celebrated the installation at both schools of the signs, which were made possible through a donation from Advia Credit Union. The signs, originally used by Golden Eagle Community Banks in McHenry County, found a new home in Cary after Advia’s acquisition of Golden Eagle in 2019.

Cary Consolidated School District 26 celebrated the donation of two electronic signs for Cary Junior High and Deer Path Elementary School with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at each site on April 18, 2024

Deer Path, one of the five schools in District 26, was in the midst of a fundraising campaign to purchase such a sign when Advia stepped in to offer its support. The donation of the electronic signs saved the district thousands of dollars. While the district did pay expenses for the infrastructure surrounding the signs and their installation, the donation of the sign components significantly reduced the financial burden for the district, officials said in a news release.

The ribbon-cutting ceremonies were attended by school district officials, Advia Credit Union representatives, students and members of the Cary-Grove Area Chamber of Commerce.

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