Ex-owner of Wonder Foods in Wonder Lake arrested in Florida on McHenry County sex abuse warrant

Alan Mrowka, 69, arrested Monday in Fort Myers, Florida, court records show

Alan Mrowka

A Wonder Lake man is in custody in a Lee County, Florida, jail after he was picked up on a McHenry County arrest warrant in connection with aggravated sex abuse, according to arrest and jail records in Florida.

Alan Mrowka, 69, of the 3100 block of East Lake Shore Drive, is being held in a Florida jail awaiting extradition back to Illinois.

According to a probable cause statement filed with the arrest report with the Lee County court clerk, Mrowka was arrested Monday at a home in the 100 block of Orange Harbor Drive in Fort Myers, Florida. According to the statement, the officer responded to a call for service for “a possible location of a subject with an active warrant.”

Before his arrest, the officer confirmed Mrowka’s identity via his Illinois driver’s license, according to the police report.

“Mrowka was confirmed to have one valid out-of-state felony warrant for aggravated sex abuse out of McHenry County, Illinois,” according to the probable cause statement.

McHenry County State’s Attorney Patrick Kenneally confirmed Friday that Mrowka is facing a single charge of sexual abuse in McHenry County and that the warrant has been served.

Mrowka is the former owner of Wonder Foods in Wonder Lake, according to a LinkedIn account of a person with the same name in Wonder Lake.

Although Wonder Foods is closed, Illinois Secretary of State’s Office records still list Mrowka as the president of Wonder Foods Inc.

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