Letter: Hometown appeal

Letter to the Editor

Much can be quibbled about the right or wrong word to describe a place, but “iconic” to describe a future gathering place in Crystal Lake, has a hometown and historic appeal.

The Crystal Lake Herald, even as far back as 1915, described, “Terra Cotta is a melting pot where the knowledge of all that is finest in art and architecture, chemistry and science, is through the magic touch of genius, transformed into building materials and pottery that rank among the highest examples of ceramic art.” And the word art has been applied through the work of Louis Sullivan as seen in such iconic landmarks as Carson Pirie Scott and Company Store building, or Auditorium Theater and here in Crystal Lake the former Home State Bank on Williams Street. This art from sketch to clay to builder was realized by the modeling talents of a local craftsman, Karl Kristian Schneider. Working in relative anonymity he brought forth the masterpiece.

Then, in that future setting of terra cotta art at Depot Park, consider the name of Schneider whose work still stands in awe, creating inspiration for each generation. After all, what better purpose for a public place.

Robert Kosin

Crystal Lake

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