Ryan S. Jeppson, 34, of La Salle, was cited by Peru police at 11:31 a.m. Friday at the intersection of Shooting Park and Meridian roads on a complaint of not having a valid driver’s license.
Austin B. Norquist, 25, of La Salle, was arrested by Peru police at 7:20 p.m. Thursday at 5247 Trompeter Road on a complaint of battery.
James M. Newell, 25, of Peru, was arrested by Peru police at 12:26 p.m. Thursday in the 2100 block of Market Street on a warrant for failure to appear on a driving under the influence charge.
J.J. Turano, 43, of Ottawa, was cited by Ottawa police Thursday in the 1800 block of Seneca Drive on a complaint of trespassing to state-supported property.
Nicholas J. Cechowicz, 44, of Ottawa, was arrested by Ottawa police Thursday in the 400 block of Third Avenue on two La Salle County failure to appear warrants on driving with a revoked license charges.
Jessica L. Hippard, 41, of Irvington, was cited by Peru police at 3:12 p.m. Wednesday at May and Trompeter roads on a complaint of driving with a suspended license.
Shaw Local News Network relies on reports furnished by police in our coverage area. Individuals in Police Reports who have been charged with a crime have not been proved guilty in court.