Letter: April is Save Abandoned Babies Month

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Gov. JB Pritzker proclaimed April as Save Abandoned Babies Month to help raise awareness of the Illinois Abandoned Newborn Protection Act. This act offers a safe and legal option to unsafe infant abandonment.

The Save Abandoned Babies Foundation promotes awareness of this important act through education. As part of Save Abandoned Babies Month, our foundation has placed posters at many bus stops throughout the city of Chicago. Additionally, all schools that teach sex education have been reminded that instruction must advise pupils of the provisions of the Abandoned Newborn Infant Protections Act as well as providing information about responsible parenting and adoption services.

Since the Illinois Safe Haven Act was passed in 2001, 159 infants have been safely and legally relinquished. Clearly, the act is working as a safety net for parents who feel they cannot take care of their newborn.

For more information on locations of safe havens, how you can help spread the word and details of the law, please visit our website at saveabandonedbabies.org.

The Save Abandoned Babies Foundation is a volunteer, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to saving the lives of newborns who might otherwise be tragically and fatally abandoned.

For details and more information, please call Dawn Geras at 312-440-0229.

Wendy Petera

Executive director, Save Abandoned Babies Foundation