The La Salle County Democrats are hosting their annual barbecue from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday, July 20, at Buffalo Rock State Park, 1300 N. 27th Road, Ottawa.
The public is invited to buy tickets and attend. The event includes burgers, hot dogs, a cake walk, a 50/50 raffle, kids games and raffle baskets.
Proceeds will benefit Democratic candidates in La Salle County.
Speakers at the picnic will include state Rep. Lance Yednock, D-Ottawa; Tim Drea, president of the Illinois American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations; and 2024 La Salle County candidates.
Tickets cost $20 a person and $40 per family.
Become a gold-level sponsor by donating $1,000 (includes up to 40 tickets), a silver-level sponsor by donating $500 (includes up to 20 tickets) or a bronze-level sponsor by donating $250 (includes up to 10 tickets).
Buy tickets online or become a sponsor by visiting
Tickets also can be reserved by calling 773-575-2337 and paying at the event.