Local departments assist in conviction, apprehension of regional sex offender

Peru, La Salle, La Salle County authorities assisted in investigation


An Indiana man was sentenced to 32 years in federal prison Tuesday for crimes against children after Illinois Valley authorities assisted in the investigation, U.S. Attorney Clifford D. Johnson said in a news release Tuesday.

Tyrone Johnson, 36, of Merrillville, Indiana, also will serve 10 years of supervised release.

Peru police, La Salle police, the La Salle County Sheriff’s Office and the Illinois State Police Offender Registration Unit assisted in the investigation.

“[On Tuesday], justice was served as the court handed down a fittingly significant sentence to Johnson for his involvement in the egregious crime of producing child pornography,” Homeland Security Investigations Chicago Special Agent in Charge Sean Fitzgerald said in a news release. “This decision underscores the profound gravity of such abhorrent acts and reaffirms HSI’s unwavering commitment to protecting the most vulnerable members of our society.”

He was convicted in August 2023 after a two-day federal trial in the U.S. District Court in Hammond, Indiana, in a superseding indictment for two counts: sexual exploitation of a minor for the purpose of producing a visual depiction, and committing a felony offense involving a minor while being required by law to register as a sex offender, according to the release.

“Outcomes such as [Tuesday’s] sentencing are only possible when we have an alert and engaged public that willingly joins with law enforcement to prosecute those who would harm the most vulnerable members of our community,” Clifford Johnson said. “I want to thank our partners both within law enforcement and in the general public who helped bring this defendant to justice, and I encourage and implore anyone who suspects a child is being harmed to take action and report it to law enforcement.”

According to the release, Tyrone Johnson’s case was investigated by the Department of Homeland Security and Homeland Security Investigations with assistance from several local authorities.

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