Stage 212 in La Salle has announced the new Queen of Hearts raffle to benefit its Auditorium Renovation Project.
The Queen of Hearts is a progressive raffle utilizing a deck of 54 playing cards (including two jokers) that are placed face down on a mounting board purchased from a certified gaming vendor. Once a card is selected, it will be turned over with the card face up on the board. The Queen of Hearts is the Jackpot Card. The board will be displayed in the Atrium of the Westclox Building, next to Fire on Fifth, at 300 Fifth St., Peru.
The Queen of Hearts drawing will take place at 7 p.m. Wednesdays in the Atrium of the Westclox Building with one ticket drawn from the tickets purchased that week. If the Queen of Hearts is not revealed, the jackpot will roll over for the next weekís drawing. Winners will be announced/posted on Facebook, on Stage 212′s website, in The Atrium and at Stage 212.
The ticket holder who selects the Queen of Hearts is the grand prize winner. If the grand prize winner is present at the time of the drawing, they will receive 100% of the jackpot. If the grand prize winner is not present, they will receive 50% of the jackpot. The jackpot is defined as 70% of the total ticket sales accumulated at the time of the last drawing.
Tickets will be available starting July 1 with the first drawing to be held 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 10 at The Atrium. Tickets are $1 each or six for $5 with no limit on the number of tickets purchased. They will be sold at Stage 212, 700 First St., La Salle, during events, and at Fire on Fifth during regular business hours.
All players must be 18 years of age or older to participate. All proceeds from this raffle will benefit Stage 212′s Auditorium Renovation Fund. Stage 212, Inc. is a 501c3 charitable organization. For more information and complete rules, visit