No resolution yet on Dalzell fire fight

Mayor, fire chief say they are working on a written agreement

Dalzell’s village president and fire chief said Thursday they have not yet reached a resolution on use of village space to house the fire department – but both think they can reach an agreement.

Wednesday, at the village’s regular board meeting, trustees discussed the use of the Village Hall and Louis R. Bernabei Fire Station. Fire Chief Tom Riordan said firefighters were told the “handshake” agreement with the village over use of the facility was no longer in effect.

The issue was not resolved Wednesday; but Village President Gary Orlandi said the next day he thought the meeting “went well” and there would be a favorable outcome.

“I believe we all have a grasp on the situation,” Orlandi said, “and in moving forward working with the district board we can come up with a mutual written agreement that works best for the village and fire department to benefit our small community.”

Riordan said several issues have yet to be hashed out including how to monitor the premises to prevent theft.

“No conclusion was made, so as of now we are still in the fire station-village hall,” Riordan said, “but they (village officials) will discuss making a lease since the only agreement is a handshake agreement from a long time ago that states that we can use it as a fire station.”

Village attorney Sheryl Churney disputed Riordan’s statement. Village officials, she said, never told the fire protection district trustees the agreement was no longer in effect.

Space is at a premium in the facility and a dispute had arisen over which uses get priority. Riordan said previously that fire apparatus is sensitive to cold weather and that indoor storage is essential to ensure fire and EMS services are available to villagers.

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