Bureau County Republican

Area Cadettes earn Amaze Journey badges

Arukah Institute of Healing, Inc. NFP joined the GS Central IL Service Area 30 Planning Committee to provide a Cadette Amaze “Journey in a Day” event in Princeton. Cadettes interacted with Arukah’s Stefanie Socha-Morris while they learned about Relational Agression (psychological bullying), Creating Healthy Relationships, Maintaining Lasting Friendships, and Ways to be a better friend. They learned how bystanders can help and how to make better choices, and they took an anti-gossip pledge. The girls also learned the importance of recognizing self-harm and how to seek help for themselves or a friend. Arukah Yoga instructor Sarah Scruggs led the girls in yoga and mediatation. Nine sixth-grade girls attended the session to earn their Amaze Journey badges.