POLO – Commander Cynthia Reynolds and Senior Vice Commander Becky Davis of Polo American Legion Patrick Fegan Post #83 presented two local 8th graders, Hurley Boothe and Ella Helfrich with the American Legion School Medal Award during Aplington’s 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony on May 24.
Per the American Legion website: “Youth are often awarded for their scholastic achievements, but The American Legion believes they should also be praised when they demonstrate strong qualities of character and good citizenship. That’s why, since 1926, the Legion has recognized such students with its School Award Medal Program.”
To receive the recognition of a American Legion School Award Medal recipient, each student must show the following characteristics: Courage, Patriotism, Honor, Scholarship, Leadership, and Service.
Post #83 meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. at 101 E. Mason Street in Polo. Information on joining the legion or helping with community activities can be obtained through the legion e-mail address at patrickfeganpost83@gmail.com.