The milder weather will likely have you thinking about all the outdoor projects you would like to do this spring. High on the list is usually a landscape cleanup, as you will want to have your beds looking sharp. Here are some tips from Countryside Flower Shop, Nursery & Garden Center for doing just that:
1. Be patient
Don’t be tempted to get your hands dirty too soon. Instead, wait until temperatures consistently reach 50 degrees as this will mean early pollinators and other beneficial insects living in the leaf debris and perennial stems have emerged.
2. Start cutting back
If your ornamental grasses are starting to blow around, that is a great place to start cutting back. Remember to cut these as far down as you can. Sometimes a hedge-trimming tool can help you with this process. When it is warm enough, you can also start cleaning leaves and cutting perennials back.
3. Edge the beds
Edging your beds can be the next step. Ensure it is not too wet and use a sharp spade hand tool to dig an angled trench to help keep the lawn from growing into your landscape beds. You can also divide out perennials that are getting too crowded in the beds and prune dead out of shrubs and trees. Please note: don’t start pruning spring-blooming shrubs, as you will be taking blooms off that you will miss in May and June. Prune summer-blooming shrubs like Hydrangeas to shape and control size.
4. Mulching
Before you start, consider using a pre-emergent weed preventer to help keep weeds down. Then, once the soil is dry enough begin mulching with either hardwood bark or compost. If the soil is too wet, compaction can happen in the beds.
Now that the beds are clean, plan for some new plants that will add that sparkle. And as always, remember that Countryside is here to help you.
Ready to learn some pro tips on Pruning? Feel free to join us for our free seminars on Pruning Saturday and Sunday, March 18 & 19 at 10am.
Countryside Flower Shop, Nursery & Garden Center : 5301 E. Terra Cotta Ave (Rte 176), Crystal Lake, IL : 815.459.8130 :