Letter: So many questions about masks


To the Editor:

Mask or no mask, what is the truthful answer? In Illinois, we are required to wear a mask indoors. But why? Do they really work? Should we wear one mask or, as per Dr. Anthony Fauci, wear two or three masks? Do they really work? Per the science that I have read, unless it an N95 mask it is useless. If true, the mountains of masks that Walmart is selling from China is a waste of your money. Can the N95 be used more than once? If you use the N95, what is the proper way to dispose of it? You’ve used it and your germs are on it. Is it a boihazard? If it’s a boihazard, you can’t just dump it in the garbage, there are laws about properly disposing of biohazard materials. So if you just dump it, are you breaking the law? And what about if you see a mask in a parking lot ? Is it a boihazard and, if so, should you call the hazardous material experts to have it removed and disposed of properly? Oh, so many questions and no one to give you answers.

Wally Gullang
