
Tim Brophy, Will County Treasurer 2022 Primary Election Questionnaire

Election 2024
Will County Treasurer candidate Tim Brophy

Will County Treasurer candidate Tim Brophy answered Shaw Local’s election questionnaire for the Will County Treasurer primary election.

Voting ends for the primary election on the evening of June 28.

Full Name: Tim Brophy

What office are you seeking? Will County Treasurer

What offices, if any, have you previously held? Joliet City Council, 1995-2011

City: Joliet

Occupation: Will County Treasurer & Licensed Real Estate Broker

Education: MBA, University of Chicago Booth School of Business

BA, Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, Illinois

Campaign Website: www.VoteTimBrophy.com

What would be your top three priorities over the next four years?

1. Expand and Upgrade taxpayer on-line experience & services.

2. Update and coordinate County Real Estate system across related offices.

3. Maximize earnings on reserve funds by capitalizing on rising interest rates. Taxes are a top concern raised by voters locally.

What do you do within your position to address residents’ tax burden?

With regard to taxpayer funds under my control, I scrutinize all current expenditures while devoting significant staff time on careful budget planning. The number of Treasurer office employees has not increased under my administration.

The County’s portion of real estate taxes is approximately 6% of a household’s annual property tax burden. The Treasurer’s office budget is less than one half of one percent (0.5%) of the annual county budget. To alleviate constituents’ tax burden, the Treasurer’s office collects fees from commercial users of our real estate system, lists and other services.

What do you bring to the table that your opponents do not?

I do not know my opponent. My educational background in public policy and finance, plus my career experience in banking and real estate is directly and daily applicable to the operations and duties of the Treasurer’s office. Auditing is done by the County Auditor; bookkeeping and accounting is performed by the County Executive staff in the Finance department. These are not functions of the Treasurer’s office.