
Debra Warning, Grundy County Board 2022 Primary Election Questionnaire

Election 2024

Full Name: Debra “Deb” Warning

What office are you seeking? Grundy County Board Member, District 2

What offices, if any, have you previously held? Grundy County Board member 2012-present.

Board of Education member, Minooka Community High School, district 111, 2003-2012.

City: Minooka

Occupation: Registered Nurse, Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Nurse

Education: Diploma R.N.

BSN coursework

Campaign Website: NA

What actions can the Grundy County Board take to minimize the tax burden on residents while not sacrificing services?

The Grundy County board, Grundy County employees, and department heads have worked hard to intentionally and thoughtfully reduce waste and increase efficiency. These actions enable the County Board to decrease the levy amount charged to taxpayers. I continue to support this important task. Chairman Balkema has successfully led the Grundy County Board in a collaborative endeavor of integrity and responsible stewardship of taxpayer dollars, while providing important services to the residents of Grundy County.

What county projects would you like to see addressed during your term?

Increase green spaces and community opportunities to improve Grundy County as a great place to live and work.

How would you encourage economic and employment growth within Grundy County?

Continue to partner with Grundy County Economic Development and local governments to bring successful businesses to the county.

Grundy County has become a favorite location for solar farm companies setting up shop on local farmland. What impact do you think these green energy facilities will have.

Positive impact overall, from energy standpoint.

Do you see the solar farm operations as a net gain or loss for the county?

Net gain, from information available.

Expansion from the Chicago metro area is creeping toward Grundy County. Do you think this could be good or bad for the county?

Expansion is certain and should be welcomed, for those who respect Grundy County.

What actions should the county take to either encourage the growth or help stave it off?

Controlled growth with a smart balance of business, manufacturing, and commercial, to support residential needs and school districts.

Grundy County has experienced a recent increase in drug activity. What actions should the county take to assist local government agencies, specifically law enforcement, to ensure the safety of the community and decrease crime rates?

The County Board supports initiatives to train our law enforcement officers to be able to respond quickly and safely.

SB 818 Bill has become a hot topic at local school board meetings, do you support comprehensive sexual education, including LGBTQ-specific health information in public schools, K-12?

Local school board policy is not under the jurisdiction of the county board. I support quality education.

How do you plan to ensure local school districts have the resources needed to ensure teachers have the resources to properly educate their students on the subject?

##### The county board does not have jurisdiction over local school districts fiscal policy nor educational choices. Schools levy for their revenue needs. It is the responsibility and jurisdiction of local school boards to ensure teachers have resources needed, and students are well educated.

Do you think there is a local crime problem? If so, what needs to be done about it?

Crime is more of an issue in certain areas. Community support of our law enforcement officers and keeping an eye on our neighborhoods benefits all who love Grundy County.

What local road and bridge projects should be a priority to get done in the county?

The north Ridge Road and railroad bridge project has been a challenging and lengthy process. Those driving Ridge Road in Minooka, north of McEvilly, will be thrilled when that is completed!

Spring brings an annual plethora of potholes and significant road repair needs. The townships are great about addressing those local township road needs, and the county is diligent to do so for county roads. We continue to look for opportunities and resources to provide safe roads and bridges, at any time of year, throughout the county.

Do you support decreasing local property taxes? If so, how would the county make up the difference?

Yes I do and I have supported it. Grundy County has decreased our levy of property taxes. The county makes up the difference through careful stewardship of revenues and expenditures, through grant monies, and other opportunities to do more with less. Rising property values also bring in higher tax dollars, even while levy amount is less (for the county’s small portion of the taxpayers’ entire tax bill).

Do you support stronger county government ethics laws? What measures do you support?

Stronger County Government ethics laws, yes I support more ethics, integrity, and transparency in government.

State of Illinois revamped its Statement of Economic Interest a bit this year. These are matters of public record and an endeavor to increase transparency regarding reporting sources of elected officials and their family members’ income, stipends, gifts.

Ethical government in IL may be an oxymoron for some. I have been ribbed on a few occasions about various IL Congressional or IL State officials, or IL governors who end up in jail. Locally, at the county level, ethical leadership is valued and demonstrated.

What are your thoughts on the Illinois Freedom of Information Act?

People are entitled to make a request and receive a response from public bodies. The better our elected officials and local government is about being transparent with its taxpayers and residents, the more cordial these interactions can be, and perhaps less frequent. It is helpful for the county to put frequently requested information online, so interested parties can find the info on our county website, vs lengthier FOIA processes.

Please state your plan to maintain government transparency.

Maintain transparency? We need to continue to strive to improve transparency. As we become aware of areas where we can do better, we must. I support improved transparency in the business of government.

What would you push for as a member of county government to boost local businesses?

We should buy local, eat local, celebrate locally as much as possible. Support our Grundy County schools and taxing bodies, not those of Will County or other counties.

Should government employees and officials be allowed to sign non- disclosure agreements with private businesses?


Would you push for or against government officials and employees being allowed to sign non-disclosure agreements with private businesses?
