Marseilles moved one step closer to the long-discussed annexation of four properties that would expand the city limits to Interstate 80.
During its regular meeting on Wednesday, the Marseilles City Council conducted a public hearing inviting comment on the proposed annexation of properties known as Perona Real Estate LLC, the property of the Immanuel Lutheran Church, a portion of the Pleasant View Lutheran Home and the Jilliani Trust, dated Oct. 5, 2019.
Having no comment from the public, the council tabled it for approval at the first bi-monthly meeting in June.
This was started in 2019.
— Marseilles Mayor Jim Hollenbeck, about Marseilles' expansion plans to Interstate 80
Mayor Jim Hollenbeck said the sewer and water infrastructure to those areas has been completed because there were pre-annexation agreements in place. There was some difficulty to get all the parties, however, in particular the Pleasant View Lutheran Home and the church, together because of separate ownership and different lawyers.
“As you can see from the date (on the agenda), this was started in 2019,” Hollenbeck said. “It took a lot of time and a lot of emails going back and forth … but the agreements are all signed. Having the old Taco Time property annexed will actually allow us to touch the interstate, so that will be nice.
“Our goal has always been to get our sewer and water all the way to Interstate 80, get development up there and get some tax dollars coming in. Hopefully, we’ll get a gas station, a hotel or a restaurant up there … At the first meeting in June, it will be official and all of those properties will be in the city limits, finally.”
The council approved a three-year agreement between the city of Marseilles and the Marseilles Fire Protection District to split the dispatch fees for the Emergency Telephone System Board. The fees are paid to Ottawa Central Dispatch.
According to Commissioner Bobby Kaminski, for the year beginning on Aug. 1, the MFPD will be responsible for $20,000 while the city bears the rest of the $160,000 contract, with 3% increases in each of the following years.
In other action, the council:
Heard a report from Commissioner Mike Scheib regarding an examination of the sewers under Illinois Street, to be completed before any new street and curb work begins.
Approved a special event permit for the Marseilles Renaissance Faire scheduled for Sept. 9. It also agreed to waive the fee for the permit.
Heard from Commissioner Jim Buckingham the city swimming pool is scheduled to open Saturday, May 27.