Character traits, qualities that define an individual’s character, are being highlighted at Coal City Schools this year.
Coal City Middle School will focus on a new character trait each month of the school year and students from each grade level will be recognized for displaying that trait. The students are nominated by their grade level and Encore teachers.
Citizenship and responsibility were the traits selected for the first month of the school year.
“Being a good citizen is being a positive member of the community and your community is a lot of things. Your community can be your core group of friends, your community can be the school or your classroom, it can be the entire Coal City community, the state of Illinois or United States of America,” Principal Travis Johnson told the students during the monthly PBS assembly on Sept. 15.
“Part of our job is to help you become good citizens, so when you go out in the real world and you are adults you are a positive member of the community, and that is what we want for everybody.” Johnson said.
Students who stood out to teachers for showing responsibility and citizenship were: Pearl Friddle and Benjamin Mannering, sixth grade; Penny D’Arcy and Cash Wentenkamp, seventh grade: Gianna Carver and Gabriel Hamilton, eighth grade, and eighth grader Molly Jones and sixth grader Caleb Hall, who were selected by their Encore teachers.
Each of the students received a certificate and McDonald’s gift card.