We Care of Grundy County accepting school supplies to help 271 kids

The outside of We Care in Morris.

We Care of Grundy County is collecting school supplies for 271 kids this year.

Those interested in donating can drop items off from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday at We Care of Grundy County, 530 Bedford Road, Morris.

We Care is seeking ear buds or headphones, zippered pencil pouches, scientific calculators TI-30XIIS), loose-leaf paper, single subject spiral notebooks, pocket folders, Post-It notes, No. 2 pencils, black, blue and red pens, large pink erasers, dry erase markers, highlighters, crayons, Elmer’s glue sticks, Elmer’s glue, Crayola colored pencils, Fiskars Scissors, washable markers, Crayola watercolors and Crayola classic markers.

Monetary donations also are accepted.

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