Grundy Bank celebrates National Consumer Protection Week

Grundy Bank in Morris

Grundy Bank is celebrating National Consumer Protection Week Monday, March 3 through Friday, March 9, offering tops to protect consumers from fraud, identity theft and scams.

National Consumer Protection Week is a time when government agencies, consumer protection groups and organizations like Grundy Bank work together to share information about consumer rights to help people learn to spot, report and avoid scams when doing things like shopping for a used car or keeping their kids safe online.

“It’s essential to stay vigilant against scams and fraud when making transactions or sharing personal information.” Said, Kevin Olson, President & CEO of Grundy Bank. “If you ever suspect any fraudulent or scam activity, make sure to promptly contact your financial institution for assistance.”

Be cautious of unsolicited emails or messages asking for personal information, and always verify the legitimacy of unfamiliar websites before providing any sensitive data. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. If unsure, seek advice from reputable sources.

Visit for more information, and visit to learn how to get free consumer education materials. It includes advice in a dozen languages and has the latest from consumer protection experts.

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