Looking Back for November 30, 2022

The window of Mel Elliot Music Center at 132 E. Lincoln Highway in downtown DeKalb is seen in March 1980.

1922 – 100 YEARS AGO

Farmers coming to DeKalb will have a regular meeting place, according to the plan of Charles and James Wiltberger who have opened a farmers’ store at 616 E. Lincoln Highway. The most unique and interesting part of the store is its reading room, which has been outfitted with several easy chairs, farm magazines of all descriptions and many manuals dealing with the rural life and conditions. As yet not all of the supplies for the store have arrived and only a small stock is on hand. The two brothers expect to carry the best and most complete line of farm equipment.

Six men, none of them believed to be over 35 years of age, riding in a stolen Jordan sedan, crashed into a standing freight train at the Spring Valley tracks on the Lincoln Highway this morning at 4:30. Three of the men were injured and were taken to the hospital, one was returned to jail with the other fellow who was too drunk to get hurt. The other two prisoners were under guard at the Glidden Memorial hospital. One of the injured suffered a broken arm and a piece of the windshield jammed into his jaw bone. The other had his hand badly lacerated and required several stitches. The third injured man was cut about the head and after being given surgical attention at the hospital was returned to the police station. The Jordan sedan was badly wrecked, the entire front end of the machine being badly broken, although the engine would run.

Dr. Barton will give a lecture on tuberculosis in the Malta Town Hall, Dec. 5, with illustrations and details. Moving pictures will also accompany the talk. It is hoped that a large number will attend this talk on that date and learn something about the disease which is causing too many deaths in this county at this time.

With the cement work on the new elevator in Malta being completed, the men have been busy the past few days installing the massive machinery in its position. The large hoists, chutes, and dumps are ready for installation and will be put in their places now within the next few days. The silos make an impressive looking sight as one gazes up and sees the four large structures alongside one another, making it appear as an old castle or stronghold. Nevertheless, it makes a big improvement tthe town, and Malta will be known far and wide as a grain center of considerable note.

1947 – 75 YEARS AGO

Collections from the DeKalb parking meters on the four Mondays in November amounted to $2,154.86, which was slightly higher than in October when the four collections amounted to $2,138.90.

During the past few days practically every home in DeKalb County has received a large envelope containing a letter which of necessity must be in form letter-style, but which carries a most personal message into the home. The envelope not only brings the story of the 41st annual Christmas Seal Sale, but also a page or two of the disease with the hope and expectations that the recipient is well aware of the need of continuing the fight against tuberculosis and willing to do a small part in combatting the scourge.

Although Charles Drake, Route One, Kingston, received a free oil and grease job for his auto yesterday, he is quite certain that he earned it. Coming to DeKalb yesterday morning he had parked his car near Second and Locust Street and had gone to a restaurant for a cup of coffee. Returning a few minutes later, he discovered that his auto was gone and immediately went to the police station to report the theft. Little did Mr. Drake think that at that very moment his car was receiving an oil change and grease job. It seems that a DeKalb motorist had called a DeKalb service station and requested that they come after his auto, which was parked at Second and Locust and change the oil and grease it. One of the attendants had come and taken an auto, which was thought to have belonged to the DeKalb motorist, and had taken it to the station where it was cared for as per the request.

Announcement was made by Secretary of State Edward J. Barrett that a charter had been issued to DeKalb Aerial Dusters Inc. located at the Taylor Airport, southeast of DeKalb. The corporation will engage in the business of applying insecticides and fertilizers from airplanes or other means and also the sale of insecticides, fertilizers and the like.

On Wednesday, meter posts were placed on the west side of North Third Street alongside the new Drs. Smith building and this morning the parking meters were placed in operation at this spot. There have been no meters there during the period that the new building was under construction as the street had been barricaded and no cars were parked there. Now that the barricades have been removed and vehicles are again able to park there, the meters have been installed and are now in operation.

1972 – 50 YEARS AGO

A $5,000 cut in the circuit clerk’s salaries budget may force Circuit Clerk James Livingston to discontinue the issuance of passports. The finance committee of the County Board last night suggested the passport office as a place to cut one position, represented by the $5,000 cut. The circuit clerk staff member who handles passports also serves as the clerk of the jury commission.

Charles H. Leifheit was 90 years old on Nov. 27, and has spent his entire life in the Waterman and Hinckley communities. He is a member of the Immanuel Lutheran church and walks to the downtown area of Hinckley at least once a day. On Thanksgiving evening he was honored at a birthday dinner at the home of his only daughter, Mrs. Helen Kopfer, with a decorated cake and all the trimmings.

Preliminary plans for a 100-unit housing project called Pleasant Homes Cooperative were approved Thursday night by the DeKalb City Council. The housing project will belocated on 9 acres of land across Pleasant Street from the DeKalb Municipal Airport.

1997 – 25 YEARS AGO

A house in Sycamore offers a ray of hope for many people who might not otherwise find employment. The house is not the typical family home, it is a place where more than 100 DeKalb County residents are served each year. Opportunity House, which is a service organization based in Sycamore, has a mission to place persons with disabilities in community jobs and provide follow-up services for the worker and employment.

In a move that could affect more than 70 Illinois communities, the City of DeKalb settled its radium lawsuit Wednesday in U. S. District Court. Under the terms of the settlement, the city must take immediate steps to decrease the amount of radium in its drinking water.

A construction crew is working on the River Mist subdivision on North First Street. DeKalb City Council’s vote last night gives the green light for the school district to begin work on the new school, which is located in the southwest corner of the subdivision.

– Compiled by Sue Breese