Letter: The safety of our community

keyboard, letter to the editor

To the Editor:

I am disappointed in Kendall County State’s Attorney Eric Weis and Sheriff Dwight Baird on their stances toward banning the purchase, sale and manufacturer of high-powered, semi-automatic weapons.

Weis states, “I do not wish to make criminals out of law-abiding citizens.” I question how asking someone to register their guns makes them criminals? I don’t feel victimized because I must obtain a license to drive my car and am required to wear my seat belt and follow the rules of the road. Why are “law-abiding gun owners” offended by the requirement to register their ownership with the Illinois State Police?

Sheriff Baird said that he didn’t believe gun control laws will make citizens of Kendall County any safer. Really? Lack of gun control laws and regulations aren’t working either. Just ask our neighbors in Highland Park, who worked so hard to get this law passed to give meaning to the obliteration of their children and families with an assault-style weapon. I stand with them and believe this law is a good start for safer communities.

I realize there is a lot of work to do to put this law into effect. Good things take good work from good people. I want to believe you are good people looking out for the safety of our community. Please put your efforts toward banning assault-style weapons in Kendall County. It is easy to do nothing and keep status quo. Being a hero for safety requires more effort, and I hope you are up to the task.

Ellen Von Ohlen
