Letter: ‘For God’s sake’

keyboard, letter to the editor

To the Editor:

We are all trying to survive Biden and his war on fossil fuels, his mismanagement of the supply chain crisis, the bungled Afghanistan pullout, and just about everything he touches.

With all that in mind, I have one request: Joe, please stop saying “For God’s Sake” during every address. It’s for God’s sake on guns, it’s for God’s sake on Putin, the Ukraine war and his telling us the Russians are causing inflation.

For God’s sake, Joe. Admit you’ve bungled everything. You accused everyone you could possibly accuse of causing high gas prices, baby food problems, record inflation on everyone and everything except where the problem lies. It lies with you, your administration and your academic advisors who do not understand how to run a business and trust me, the United States is a business, a big enormous business, but a business just the same. Stop taking every weekend off and do something except yelling at us, for God’s sake.

Don Lass
