Compiled by Jeff Farren from the files of the Kendall County Record, 1864-present.
February 2019
Three Yorkville Police officers received a standing ovation at the Yorkville City Council meeting. They were honored for their actions during a mass shooting at Henry Pratt in Aurora that left six people dead, including the shooter and six Aurora police officers injured. They were among the first on the scene. Honored were Sgt. Behr Pfizenmaier, Christopher Hayes and Chris Kuehlem.
February 2014
Demand letters will soon be going out to Kendall County Board members asking them to compensate the county for meeting per diems and associated mileage reimbursements billed to the county in error from 2008 to 2012.
February 2009
The rapid pace of new home construction that made Kendall County one of the fastest growing counties in the nation in recent years has slowed dramatically as the nation’s economy fell in to the grips of a deep recession.
February 2004
City of Yorkville officials are considering a proposal for a future bridge that would connect Countryside Parkway west of the Fox River with Route 71 on the east side of the river.
February 1999
Yorkville and Bristol Methodist voted to merge into a new church, Trinity United Methodist. They plan to build on recently purchased land at Route 47 and Cannonball Trail.
February 1994
A new traffic light will soon be operational at Route 47 and Somonauk Street.
February 1989
Yorkville Mayor Robert Davidson and the City County have sent a letter to the Illinois Department of Transportation asking them to consider making Route 47 four lanes all the way through the village.
February 1984
Work continues on the new four-lane bridge in downtown Yorkville. The east side has been completed and traffic has been switched from the west side to the new lanes.
February 1979
Illinois Department of Transportation officials revealed that the Yorkville Public Library, Fred Schneider Realty and Schneider Refrigeration and Appliance store will probably have to be torn down to build the new four-lane bridge. Work will most likely be done in 1982 or 1983, officials said.
February 1974
Chicago Cubs star Rick Monday was the guest at the Yorkville Lions Club annual Boys Night held at the Yorkville United Methodist Church. About 160 members and their guests packed the church basement.
February 1969
Garry Gabel became the first Yorkville wrestler to qualify for the state finals. He finished second in the Sectional and takes a 33-2 record to state.
February 1964
The Farmers State Bank has purchased the two frame buildings between Madden’s Western Auto and the Farm Bureau building on the north side of East Van Emmon Street at the east alley. They will be torn down and the space used for parking.
February 1959
J. Gordon Smythe sold the last ticket to a basketball game in the old gym (Parkview) this week. He also sold the first ticket to a game there, back in 1928. He will probably sell the first ticket at the new YHS.
February 1954
Village President Leon Kapelsky said he received a letter from the State of Illinois Water Sanitary Board, complaining the village was discharging untreated sewage into the Fox River. The letter said they were aware of the fact that the village was considering sewage treatment and the formation of a sanitary district. State officials asked that the village keep them updated on the progress of treatment plans.
February 1949
A man in the Kendall County Jail for auto theft and a few other charges tried to escape by wrestling with Sheriff William Hayden. The attempt failed with the Sheriff ending up with broken ribs and some cuts and bruises. Mrs. Hayden also became involved as well as some neighbors. The prisoner is now spending time in the solitary cell until they can get him to the penitentiary where he belongs.
February 1944
Front page story “Ration Timetable” highlights which rationing stamps would take effect that week. Among the items rationed Meats and Fats, Processed Foods , Sugar (five pounds for Jan. 16 through March 31); Shoes (one pair ), Fuel Oil, Gasoline and a Bonus Pork Stamp.
February 1939
Officers of the newly-formed American Legion Post 489 Auxiliary were installed. President is Audrey Branom; first vice president Ella Dirst; second vice president Helen Page; secretary Edna McOwan; treasurer Lenora Cornils; chaplain Gladys Sandvik; historian Juanita Kerr; sergeant at arms, Nellie Nesbit.
February 1934
A northbound truck carrying four new Plymouth automobiles struck the railroad sign on Route 47 at Hydraulic, hurdled the sidewalk by Dick Houck’s, nicked Fred Ohse’s grocery store, crashed through the Puterbaugh building and plunged into the river. The men emerged unhurt. The cars and the truck were badly damaged.
February 1929
The Burlington is replacing the signal light that was removed last fall after much argument. This light and stop signal is on Bridge Street in the center of the road, conspicuous and easily understood. The warning was placed by the Burlington last fall after serious effort on the part of Yorkville to protect motorists at this crossing. It was removed because of a peremptory from the state. Now it is all fought out and the railroad is redoing what it already did.
February 1924
U. S. Senator Medill McCormick will speak at the Yorkville Town Hall. This will be the only opportunity you will have to hear this brilliant statesman in your own community.
February 1919
There will be a campfire of the Yorkville Post GAR No. 522 and all soldiers and sailors and their friends at the Yorkville Town Hall in honor of Abraham Lincoln and the heroes of the country’s wars. There will be no regular address but many have been asked to make seven-minute talks and there will be music.
February 1914
The Farmers State Bank of Yorkville opened its doors for business Feb. 21. President is George Mewhirter.
February 1909
William Ahrens has one of those nice up-to-dates single driving harnesses from L. W. Mason’s harness shop.
February 1904
Mr. J. W. House of Seward Township died suddenly Feb. 19. He was one of the pioneers of Kendall County having come from New York with his parents when but a boy. He was born Sept. 3, 1823.
February 1899
Jacob Zeiter is sending telegrams to various towns to put the horse protection society on the trail of a dark bay mare taken from his stable Monday night. With the mare went a saddle, bridle and two horse blankets.
February 1894
Thursday morning the mercury was at 24 degrees below zero. The icemen in Millington are hard at it gathering their harvest.
February 1889
Charlee Hallock and Charlie Ohse have left Yorkville and are in Aurora working at the Frazier road cart factory. These young men will be missed in Yorkville especially by the Military Band. They both play coronet.
February 1884
There are 16 freight trains and four passenger trains currently running on the Fox River line.
February 1879
On Friday of last week Mr. John Clayton sold to William Ferris 30 hogs for which he received four cents a pound. They were an extra nice lot.
February 1874
A large gray wolf was trapped by Gideon Kennedy and brought to Yorkville for the county bounty.
February 1869
Mr. Walter Van Emmon sold 19 turkeys to Thomas on Tuesday for 20 cents a pound. Four of the critters weighted 66 pounds. They were whalers.