Yorkville SD115 superintendent highlights school security measures in email to parents, staff

Reacting to the shooting death of 19 students and two teachers along with the wounding of 17 others at an elementary school in Texas May 24, Yorkville School District 115 Superintendent Tim Shimp said in an email the safety and well being of the district’s students, teachers and staff “is always paramount as we move throughout the school year” and highlighted safety measures the district has already taken in its school buildings to date.

In the email addressed to district parents, guardians and staff members, Shimp said of the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde: “Our hearts are broken for the loss of these lives as we witness and hear about similar horrific events time and time again.”

Shimp continued, “While these senseless acts of violence may sometimes make us feel like no amount of safety precautions would be adequate, I want to assure you that long before this week, District 115 has been a leader across the state in the proactive measures of increasing safety and security for our students, teachers and staff.”

Shimp said the district’s safety and security measures include but are not limited to the following:

*The district continues to support additional personnel such as social workers and psychologists to address the mental health of our students. Additional clubs, activities, and athletic programs continue to be added during the school year and over the summer to increase student and adult interaction, and to have students connected to the schools/district.

*District 115 currently has a Yorkville Police Department School Resource Officer (SRO), as well as five armed and highly trained security personnel (with two additional security team members being added for the 2022-23 school year) that work and train hand-in-hand with local law enforcement. The security team also plays an important role in building trusting relationships with staff and students.

*District staff, students, security officers, lunch/recess supervisors, teachers and administrators participate in multiple Run/Hide/Fight safety drills each year.

*All visitors to district schools must be screened and verified prior to entering the building. Visitors are required to wear an identifiable lanyard during the school day.

*The district has been using technology monitoring software to proactively flag concerning student behavior related to internet searches, email threads, and social media threats, to name a few.

*Occurring this summer will be the replacement, enhancement/addition, and modernization of all D115 school cameras (nearly 500 in total).

*Other summer work will consist of reviewing and renovating the entryways and foyers of those District 115 buildings with the most immediate need.

*Y Not Say Something Tip Line: Although district personnel monitors the tip line frequently throughout the day, it is not monitored 24/7. If immediate action is required, please call the school and/or district office directly. In cases of emergency, call 911.

Shimp added the district will have counselors, psychologists and social workers available to assist students in need of support for the remainder of the school year.

He wrote, “If you believe your child is in need of support, please be sure to connect with your child’s school. You can also use the following resource when discussing events such as this with your children at “Talking to children about violence: tips for parents and educators”.

Shimp also asked parents, guardians and staff members to keep those suffering as a result of the shooting in Texas in their thoughts.

“I also ask for your continued support, grace, and kindness for all those that work in schools who carry heavy hearts and minds during this time. Thoughts that no one should ever have to experience,” he concluded.