Sandwich area motorists can look forward to a summer of construction as city officials expect work will begin on improvements to Route 34 through the city by July.
City Council members voted April 25 to authorize Mayor Todd Latham to enter into an agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for the resurfacing of the highway and improvements to the eight existing traffic signals between Gletty Road and Terra Street.
IDOT, which owns and maintains the highway, is seeking contractor bids for the work this spring with construction expected to take place from July to September, according to Latham.
The agreement will require the city to pay an estimated $137,011 as its share of the cost for the project with the balance of the funds coming from state and federal highway funds.
Alderwoman Rebecca Johnson made the motion to authorize Latham to enter into the agreement and was seconded by Alderman Fred Kreinbrink. The council passed the motion unanimously.