Bureau County History Center Executive Director Lex Poppens announced on Monday the history center’s decision to move forward and complete the cosmetic restoration of the Sash Stalter Matson Building in Princeton.
“Thanks to our donors and members, we have been able to fund nearly all the capital projects,” Poppens said. “The goal is to finish the building so it is completed in the sense that all floors are ready for general public use.”
During the project, Humpty Dump reported the removal of nearly 8 tons of material from the 112-year-old building.
“Thanks to the volunteers from the Princeton Veterans Organization and Flags of Freedom, who continue to help us with this project,” Poppens said. “They have donated over 1,400 hours of time to help restore this iconic building.”
Area contractors have also supported the project.
Fundraising will continue for the $93,000 Phase II project. The total amount needed to complete this phase is $25,000. The Historical Society was awarded a $3,500 grant from Landmarks Illinois in December to pay for a structural study to determine the number of patrons the auditorium on the top floor can hold. This was part of the Phase 2 cosmetic renovation project.
“This amount will include restricted funds for future operations and building maintenance,” Poppens said.
Poppens also reported that both the Society and History Center had balanced budgets with modest surpluses for the first time in many years.
“Membership also increased by 20% for the calendar year.”
For more information, call 815-875-2184.