Four-hundred-sixty-seven votes were cast for The Times Athlete of the Week, but the winning margin was only one as with 153 votes received Ottawa boys golf’s Jacob Armstrong won by a single tally over fellow Pirates state qualifier Zulee Moreland (girls tennis).
Also on the ballot were Anna Hjerpe (Serena girls volleyball) and David Paton (Streator boys soccer).
There was no bigger story in area sports than Ottawa winning the Class 2A boys golf team state championship, and Armstrong led the Pirates to the title with a 6-over-par 149, ninth in the individual standings.
Here is a Q&A with this week’s winner:
Do you have any nicknames?
Armstrong: My nickname is Ja-Cob (pronounced Juh-Cobb). I have no idea why. I’m pretty sure somebody called me that one day, and it just stuck.
What was your instant reaction when you heard it had gone official – the Ottawa Pirates were the Class 2A state champions?
Armstrong: Like a 5-ton boulder getting lifted off my chest. It was such a relief. There was already pressure, but it almost felt like more after having such a big lead at the end of the first day. After that, not winning would be even worse, because we would have choked.
Who did you text or call first after finding out, and what did you send/say?
Armstrong: After we won, I didn’t really call anybody. I didn’t need to. Both my parents were there, and they would really be the only ones I’d call right away. The first person I texted back was Jeremiah Pike. He is the manager of Pine Hills, and I’ve known him for a very long time. He’s helped me in a lot of ways. He texted me shortly after we won, saying great job and to enjoy it. I told him thanks and that we would. I tried to stay off of my phone and just be in the moment.
There was some surprise that it wasn’t the No. 1 or No. 2 guy on the lineup card who led the team to the title, but being honest, I wasn’t surprised because that’s been the type of team you’ve had all season long. What has your team’s incredible 1-5 depth meant to your success this season?
Armstrong: I feel like our depth was the difference-maker this year. Having three or four good scores is great, but having five helps a ton. It also leaves room for people to have bad days, which takes off pressure.
What’s your favorite subject in school?
Armstrong: My favorite subject in school is chemistry. I think it’s fun learning how everything around me works, and it’s cool doing labs and experiments.
If you could see any musical artist in concert anywhere in the world tomorrow night, all expenses paid, who would you choose and where would you see them?
Armstrong: Electric Light Orchestra at Soldier Field. ELO is my favorite band and has been for a little while. I would see them at Soldier Field, because I’ve went and watched a lot of Bears games there, and I think it’s a cool stadium.
What is your favorite Halloween costume you’ve ever worn? Do you have a costume planned for this year?
Armstrong: My favorite Halloween costume has to be when I went as Jake from State Farm and spent the night with my close friend and teammate, Colt Bryson. I do not have any costume planned for this year. I’ll probably just stay home and relax.
What’s your best club?
Armstrong: My best club is probably my 60-degree lob wedge. I use it for basically all of my short-game shots, and whenever I have a shot from the fairway with it, I am super confident.
Do you have any college plans? Do they involve sports?
Armstrong: I hope to continue golfing in college, but I am not sure yet where I want to go.