Princeton Junior Woman’s Club was looking for a new project in the community.
The focus was on a group that was typically overlooked. Through multiple discussions and looking at existing community programs, the EXTRA program was born in spring of 2022. The purpose of this program is to give something a little extra to Princeton High School students who receive free or reduced lunches. On average 40% to 45% of the student population is part of the free and reduced lunch program. While students receive meals from the school, it is one of the basic lunch options. It does not allow them to get a second serving or anything additional that is offered in the cafeteria.
The recipients of this program are selected at random by Principal Andy Berlinski in coordination with Shawn Lewis, cafeteria manager, and are anonymous to PJWC. Students receive $10 that is added to their lunch account to cover their EXTRA food.
PJWC recently held a bake sale at lunch in the park to raise funds for this program as well as Safety Town. During the 2023-2024 school year, the marketing class created and sold a variety of products from ornaments in December to water bottles, keychains and stickers in the spring. The proceeds that were generated from these sales were donated to PJWC towards the EXTRA program.
In addition, after a successful Homestead Baby Contest, Princeton Junior Woman’s Club donated $2,000, the most to date to the EXTRA program for the 2024-2025 school year. This will assist 200 students throughout the year.
“We would love to ensure that all of the students are able to receive a little something EXTRA throughout the course of the school year and have a goal of making the amount given $20 per student,” the PJWC said in a news release.
If you would like to contribute to this program you may do so by mailing a check to PJWC, PO Box 541, Princeton, IL 61356, or via Venmo, @P-Juniors-71, be sure to designate the EXTRA program on your donations. PJWC is looking for new members and can be reached at Meetings are held at 6 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month at the Prouty Building, 435 S. Main St. Its Oct. 9 meeting will feature a program on Cyber Security. All are welcome to attend.